TL9000 标準(中(zhōng)文)
Section 4 Quality management system 質量管理體系
4.1 General requirements 一(yī)般要求
a) 識别質量管理體系所需的過程及其在組織中(zhōng)應用(見1.2)
b) 确定這些過程的順序和相互作用;
c) 确定爲确保這些過程的有效運作和控制所需的準則和方法;
d) 确保可以獲得必要的資源和信息,以支持這些過程的運作和監視;
e) 監視、測量和分(fēn)析這些過程;
f) 實施必要的措施,以實現對這些過程所策劃的結果和對這些過程的持續改進。
4.2 Documentation requirements 文件要求
4.2.1 General 總則
a) 形成文件的質量方針和質量目标;
b) 質量手冊;
c) 本标準所要求的形成文件的程序;
d) 組織爲确保其過程有效策劃、運作和控制所需的文件;
e) 本标準所要求的記錄(見4.2.4)。
a) 組織的規模和活動的類型;
b) 過程及其相互作用的複雜程度;
c) 人員的能力。
4.2.2 Quality manual 質量手冊
a) 質量管理體系的範圍,包括任何删減的細節與合理性(見1.2);
b) 爲質量管理體系編制的形成文件的程序或對其引用;
c) 質量管理體系過程之間的相互作用的表述,
4.2.3 Control of documents 文件控制
a) 文件發布前得到批準,以确保文件是充分(fēn)與适宜的;
b) 必要時對文件進行評審與更新,并再次批準;
c) 确保文件的更改和現行修訂狀态得到識别;
d) 确保在使用處可獲得有關版本的适用文件;
e) 确保文件保持清晰、易于識别;
f) 确保外(wài)來文件得到識别,并控制其分(fēn)發;
g) 防止作廢文件的非預期使用,若因任何原因而保留作廢文件時,對這些文件進行适當的标識。
4.2.3.C.1 Control of Customer-Supplied Documents and Data – The organization shall establish and maintain a documented procedure(s) to control all customer-supplied documents and data (e.g., network architecture, topology, capacity, installation termination assignments, and database) if these documents and data influence the design, verification, validation, inspection and testing, or servicing the product.
4.2.4 Control of records 記錄控制
Section 5 Management responsibility 第五章-管理職責
5.1 Management commitment 管理承諾
a) 向組織傳達滿足顧客和法律法規要求的重要性;
b) 制定質量方針;
c) 确保質量目标的制定;
d) 進行管理評審;
e) 确保資源的獲得。
5.2 Customer focus 以顧客爲關注焦點
5.2.C.1 Customer Relationship Development – Top management shall demonstrate active involvement
in establishing and maintaining mutually-beneficial relationships between the organization and its
customers. [4]
5.2.C.2 Customer Communication Procedures – The organization shall establish and maintain a
documented procedure(s) for communicating with selected customers. The documented procedure(s) shall include:
a) a strategy and criteria for customer selection, 選擇顧客的策略及标準
b) a method for the organization and its customers to share joint expectations and improve the quality of products, and 組織和顧客共同參與策劃及提高産品質量的方法,
c) a joint review with the customer at defined intervals covering the status of shared expectations and including a method to track the resolution of issues. [4] 會同顧客按照既定的時間間隔評審期望目标的狀況,并且應有可以追蹤評審決定(執行狀況)的方法。
5.2.C.2-NOTE 1: It is recognized that it is not possible for an organization to provide the same level of communication with all its customers. The level provided may depend on the amount of business with the customer, the history of problems, customer expectations, and other factors (see Appendix F, “Guidance for Communication with Customers”).
5.3 Quality policy 質量方針
a) 與組織的宗旨相适應;
b) 包括對滿足要求和持續改進質量管理體系有效性的承諾;
c) 提供制定和評審質量目标的框架;
d) 在組織内得到溝通和理解;
e) 在持續适宜性方面得到評審。
5.4 Planning 策劃
5.4.1 Quality objectives 質量目标
最高管理者應确保在組織的相關職能和層次上建立質量目标,質量目标包括滿足産品要求所需的内容(見7.1 a)。質量目标應是可測量的,并與質量方針保持一(yī)緻。
5.4.1.C.1 Quality Objectives – Objectives for quality shall include targets for the TL 9000 measurements defined in the TL 9000 Quality Management System Measurements Handbook.
質量目标-質量目标應包括在TL9000 質量管理體系計算手冊中(zhōng)爲TL9000定義的對象。
5.4.2 Quality management system planning 質量管理體系策劃
a) 對質量管理體系進行策劃,以滿足質量目标以及4.1的要求。
b) 在對質量管理體系的變更進行策劃和實施時,保持質量管理體系的完整性。
5.4.2.C.1 Long- and Short-Term Quality Planning – The organization’s quality planning activities shall include long- and short-term plans with goals for improving quality and customer satisfaction.
Performance to these goals shall be monitored and reported. These plans shall address:
a) cycle time, 循環時間
b) customer service, 顧客服務
c) training, 培訓
d) cost, 成本
e) delivery commitments, and 交貨承諾,等
f) product reliability. 産品可靠性
5.4.2.C.1-NOTE 1: Top Management should demonstrate their active involvement in long- and short-term quality planning.
5.4.2.C.2 Customer Input – The organization shall implement methods for soliciting and considering customer input for quality planning activities. The organization should establish joint quality improvement programs with customers. [4]
顧客輸入- 組織應将顧客輸入納入質量策劃中(zhōng)。組織應建立會同顧客質量改進程序。
5.4.2.C.3 Supplier Input – The organization shall implement methods for soliciting and using supplier input for quality planning activities. [4]
5.5 Responsibility, authority and communication 職責、權限與溝通
5.5.1 Responsibility and authority 職責和權限
5.5.2 Management representative 管理者代表
a) 确保質量管理體系所需的過程得到建立、實施和保持;
b) 向最高管理者報告質量管理體系的業績和任何改進的需求;
c) 确保在整個組織内提高滿足顧客要求的意識。
5.5.3 Internal communication 内部溝通
5.5.3.C.1 Organization Performance Feedback – The organization shall inform employees of its quality performance and the level of customer satisfaction. [4]
5.6 Management review 管理評審
5.6.1 General 總則
5.6.2 Review input 評審輸入
a) 審核結果;
b) 顧客反饋;
c) 過程的業績和産品的符合性;
d) 預防和糾正措施的狀況;
e) 以往管理評審的跟蹤措施;
f) 可能影響質量管理體系的變更;
g) 改進的建議。
5.6.3 Review output 評審輸出
a) 質量體系及其過程有效性的改進;
b) 與顧客要求有關的産品的改進;
c) 資源需求。
Section 6 Resource management 第六章 資源管理
6.1 Provision of resources 資源提供
a) 實施、保持質量管理體系并持續改進其有效性;
b) 通過滿足顧客要求,增進顧客滿意。
6.2 Human resources 人力資源
6.2.1 General 總則
6.2.2 Competence, awareness and training 能力、意識和培訓
a) 确定從事影響産品質量工(gōng)作的人員所必要的能力;
b) 提供培訓或采取其他措施以滿足這些需求;
c) 評價所采取措施的有效性;
d) 确保員工(gōng)認識到所從事活動的相關性和重要性,以及如何爲實現質量目标作出貢獻;
e) 保持教育、培訓、技能和經驗的适當記錄(見4.2.4)
6.2.2.C.1 Internal Course Development – When the organization develops internal training courses, it shall establish and maintain a process for planning, developing, and implementing these courses. [4]
6.2.2.C.2 Quality Improvement Concepts – Those employees that have a direct impact on the quality of the product, including top management, shall be trained in the fundamental concepts of continual improvement, problem solving, and custome, r satisfaction. [4]
6.2.2.C.3 Training Requirements and Awareness – Training requirements shall be defined for all positions that have a direct impact on the quality of products. Employees shall be made aware of training opportunities. [4]
6.2.2.C.4 ESD Training – All employees with functions that involve any handling, storage, packaging,
preservation, or delivery of ESD-sensitive products shall receive training in electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection prior to performing their jobs.
ESD 培訓-所有包括操作、倉儲、包裝、保存及運輸ESD敏感産品的員工(gōng)都應接受靜電放(fàng)電培訓,以确保他們開展工(gōng)作。
6.2.2.C.5 Advanced Quality Training – The organization shall offer appropriate levels of advanced quality training. Examples of advanced quality training may include statistical techniques, process capability, statistical sampling, data collection and analysis, problem identification, problem analysis, and corrective and preventive action. [5]
6.2.2.C.6 Training Content – Where the potential for hazardous conditions exists, training content should
include the following: 培訓内容-有潛在危險的地方,培訓内容應包括: a) task execution, 作業指導 b) personal safety, 個人安全 c) awareness of hazardous environment, and 危險意識等 d) equipment protection. 設備保護 6.2.2.HV.1 Operator Qualification – The organization shall establish operator qualification and requalification requirements for all applicable processes. These requirements, at a minimum, shall address employee education, experience, training, and demonstrated skills. The organization shall communicate this information to all affected employees. [4] HV.1 操作員資格-組織應當爲所有必要過程建立操作員資格及要求條件。這些要求應注明員工(gōng)教育背景、工(gōng)作經曆、培訓及技能。組織應将該信息通知(zhī)所有相關職工(gōng)。 6.3 Infrastructure 基礎設施 組織應确定、提供并維護爲達到産品符合要求所需的基礎設施。适用時,基礎設施包括: a) 建築物(wù)、工(gōng)作場所和相關的設施; b) 過程設備,(硬件和軟件); c) 支持性服務,(運輸或通訊)。 6.4 Work environment 工(gōng)作環境 組織應确定和管理爲達到産品符合要求所需的工(gōng)作環境。 6.4.C.1 Work Areas – Areas used for handling, storage, and packaging of products shall be clean, safe, and organized to ensure that they do not adversely affect quality or personnel performance. [5] 6.4.C.1 工(gōng)作區-用于操作、儲存及包裝産品的區域應保持幹淨、安全并且有序,以确保不會對質量或個人造成負面影響。
Section 7 Product realization 産品實現 7.1 Planning of product realization 産品實現的策劃 組織應策劃和開發産品實現所需的過程。産品實現的策劃應與質量管理體系其他過程的要求相一(yī)緻(見4.1)。 在對産品實現進行策劃時,組織應确定以下(xià)方面的适當内容: a) 産品的質量目标和要求; b) 針對産品确定過程、文件和資源的需求; c) 産品所要求的驗證、确認、監視、檢驗和試驗活動,以及産品接收準則; d) 爲實現過程及其産品滿足要求提供證據所需的記錄。 策劃的輸出形式應适于組織的運作方式。 注: 1、對應用于特定産品、項目或合同的質量管理體系的過程(包括産品實現過程)和資源作出規定的文件可稱之爲質量計劃。 2、組織也可将7.3的要求應用于産品實現過程的開發。 7.1.C.1 Life Cycle Model – The organization shall establish and maintain an integrated set of guidelines that covers the life cycle of its products. This framework shall contain, as appropriate, the processes, activities, and tasks involved in the concept, definition, development, production, operation, maintenance, and (if required) disposal of products, spanning the life of the products. [10] 生(shēng)命循環模式-組織應當建立并維護一(yī)套覆蓋産品生(shēng)命循環的完整的指導手冊。該框架應盡可能包括過程、功能、以及觀念、定義、發展、産品、操作、維護,以及産品的處理(如果必要),跨度産品的生(shēng)命周期。 7.1.C.2 New Product Introduction – The organization shall establish and maintain a documented procedure(s) for introducing new products for General Availability. 新産品介紹-組織應建立并維護一(yī)套文件化的程序用以介紹新産品的一(yī)般性能。 7.1.C.2-NOTE 1: The new product introduction program should include provisions for such programs as: quality and reliability prediction studies, pilot production, demand and capacity studies, sales and service personnel training, and new product post-introduction evaluations. 注解1 -新産品介紹程序應包括以下(xià)程序:質量及可靠性預測計劃,試制産品,需求及産量計劃,銷售及服務人員培訓,新産品定位估計。 7.1.C.3 Disaster Recovery – The organization shall establish and maintain methods for disaster recovery to ensure the organization’s ability to recreate and service the product throughout its life cycle. [10] 災難恢複-組織應建立并維護災難恢複的方法以确保組織有能力在整個産品生(shēng)命周期内進行維修和服務。 7.1.C.4 End of Life Planning – The organization shall establish and maintain a documented procedure(s) for the discontinuance of manufacturing and/or support of a product by the operation and service organizations. The documented procedure(s) should include: 最終策劃-組織應爲保質期和服務組織終止生(shēng)産或支持産品建立并維護一(yī)套文件化的程序。該程序文件應包括: a) cessation of full or partial support after a certain period of time, 一(yī)定時間後停止全部或部分(fēn)支持, b) archiving product documentation and software, 保存産品文檔及軟件, c) responsibility for any future residual support issues, 對任何殘留問題支持的責任, d) transition to the new product, if applicable, and 如果适用,轉化爲新産品,等 e) accessibility of archive copies of data. [10] 數據拷貝存檔的可達性 7.1.HS.1 Configuration Management Plan – The organization shall establish and maintain a configuration management plan, which should include: 配置管理策劃-組織應建立并維護一(yī)配置管理策劃,其内容應包括: a) identification and scope of the configuration management activities, 配置管理活動的定義及範圍 b) schedule for performing these activities, 執行這些活動的進度表 c) configuration management tools, 配置管理工(gōng)具 d) configuration management methods and documented procedure(s), 配置管理方法及程序文件 e) organizations and responsibilities assigned to them, 組織及分(fēn)派給它的責任, f) level of required control for each configuration item, and 每個配置項目需要控制的級别 g) point at which items are brought under configuration management. [10] 指明哪些條款置于配置管理的管轄範圍。[10] 7.1.HS.1-NOTE 1: General work instructions defining general configuration management tasks and responsibilities need not be replicated as part of a specific documented configuration management plan. 注解1:總的工(gōng)作指令規定總的配置管理任務和責任,不必轉述爲配置管理策劃的部分(fēn)文件。 7.1.S.1 Estimation – The organization shall establish and maintain a method for estimating and tracking project factors during project planning, execution, and change management. [11] 評估-組織應建立并維護一(yī)種方法用以在方案策劃、實施及更改過程中(zhōng)評估和跟蹤方案因素 7.1.S.1-NOTE 1: Project factors should include product size, complexity, effort, staffing, schedules, cost, quality, reliability, and productivity. 注解1:方案因素應包括産品尺寸,複雜性,成就,員工(gōng)安排,進度,成本,質量,可靠性及生(shēng)産能力。 7.1.S.2 Computer Resources – The organization shall establish and maintain methods for estimating and tracking critical computer resources for the target computer, the computer on which the software is intended to operate. Examples of these resources are utilization of memory, throughput, real time performance, and I/O channels. [11] 計算機資源-組織應建立并維護一(yī)種方法用以評估和追蹤目标計算機的重要資源,計算機中(zhōng)的軟件是否預期運行。這些資源包括存儲器的效用、吞吐量、适時執行以及I/O通道。[11] 7.1.S.3 Support Software and Tools Management – The organization shall ensure that internally developed support software and tools used in the product life cycle are subject to the appropriate quality method(s). Tools to be considered include: design and development tools, testing tools, configuration management tools, and documentation tools. [11] 支持軟件及工(gōng)具管理-組織應該保證用在産品中(zhōng)的内部開發的支持軟件及工(gōng)具在整個産品生(shēng)命周期中(zhōng)的質量。應當考慮的工(gōng)具包括:設計開發工(gōng)具、測試工(gōng)具、配置管理工(gōng)具,以及文件工(gōng)具。[11] 7.1.V.1 Service Delivery Plan – Suppliers that are responsible for the delivery or implementation of a service, and are not responsible for the design and development of that service, shall comply with the Project Plan requirements of 7.3.1.C.1. 服務交付策劃- 廠商(shāng)有責任交貨或提供服務,但是對服務的設計及發展不負責任,應符合
7.3.1.C.1條方案策劃要求。 7.2 Customer-related processes 與顧客有關的過程 7.2.1 Determination of requirements related to the product 與産品有關的要求的确定 組織應确定: a) 顧客規定的要求,包括對交付及交付後活動的要求; b) 顧客雖然沒有明示,但規定的用途或已知(zhī)的預期用途所必需的要求; c) 與産品有關的法律法規要求; d) 組織确定的任何附加要求。 7.2.2 Review of requirements related to the product 與産品有關的要求的評審 組織應評審與産品有關的要求。評審應在組織向顧客作出提供産品的承諾之前進行(如:提交标書、接受合同或訂單及接收合同或訂單的更改),并應确保: a) 産品要求得到規定; b) 與以前表述不一(yī)緻的合同或訂單的要求已予解決; c) 組織有能力滿足規定的要求。 評審結果及評審所引起的措施的記錄應予保持(見4.2.4)。 若顧客提供的要求沒有形成文件,組織在接收顧客要求前應對顧客要求 進行确認。 若産品要求發生(shēng)變更,組織應确保相關文件得到修改,并确保相關人員知(zhī)道已變更的要求。 注:在某些情況中(zhōng),如網上銷售,對每一(yī)個訂單進行正式的評審可能是不實際的。而代之對有關的産品信息,,如産品目錄、産品廣告内容等進行評審。 7.2.2.C-NOTE 1: The contract review process should include: 注解1:合同評審過程應包括: a) product acceptance planning and review, 産品驗收策劃和評審 b) handling of problems detected after product acceptance, including customer complaints and claims, and 産品驗收後發現問題的處理,包括客戶投訴及要求,等 c) responsibility of removal and/or correction of nonconformities after applicable warranty period or during product maintenance contract period. [9] 在保證期或維修合約有效期間删除的責任和/或不一(yī)緻的修正。[9] 7.2.2.C-NOTE 2: The product acceptance plan should include as appropriate: 注解2:産品驗收策劃應當包括以下(xià)内容作爲補充: a) acceptance review process, 驗收評審過程, b) acceptance criteria, 驗收标準 c) documented test procedure(s), 文件化的檢測程序 d) test environment, 檢測環境 e) test cases, 檢測實例 f) test data, 檢測數據 g) resources involved, 相關資源 h) method(s) for problem tracking and resolution, and 問題追蹤及解決方法,等 i) required acceptance test reports. [10] 必要的檢驗報告 7.2.3 Customer communication 顧客溝通 組織應對以下(xià)有關方面确定并實施與顧客溝通的有效安排: a) 産品信息; b) 問詢、合同或訂單的處理,包括對其的修改; c) 顧客反饋,包括顧客投訴。 7.2.3.C.1 Notification About Problems – The organization shall establish and maintain a documented procedure(s) to notify all customers who may be affected by a reported problem that is service affecting. [5] 關于問題的通知(zhī)- 組織應建立并維護一(yī)套程序文件以通知(zhī)可能受已報告的服務問題影響的所有顧客。 7.2.3.C.2 Problem Severity – The organization shall assign severity levels to customer reported problems based on the impact to the customer in accordance with the definitions of critical, major, and minor problem reports contained in the glossary of this handbook. The severity level shall be used in determining the timeliness of the organization’s response. [11] 問題嚴重性-組織應根據對顧客的影響向顧客指明問題的嚴重程度,(問題的嚴重程度)根據手冊中(zhōng)的術語可分(fēn)爲嚴重,重大(dà),一(yī)般問題。組織根據嚴重程度确定答複時間。 7.2.3.C.2-NOTE 1: The customer and the organization should jointly determine the priority for resolving customer-reported problems. 注解1:顧客和組織共同确定解決顧客報告問題的優先程度。 7.2.3.C.3 Problem Escalation – The organization shall establish and maintain a documented escalation procedure(s) to resolve customer-reported problems. [11] 問題升級- 組織應建立并維護一(yī)套程序文件解決升級的顧客報告問題。[11] 7.2.3.C.4 Customer Feedback – The organization shall establish and maintain a documented procedure(s) to provide the customer with feedback on their problem reports in a timely manner. 顧客反饋-組織應建立并維護一(yī)套程序文件及時處理顧客問題反饋。 7.2.3.H.1 Organization’s Recall Process – The organization shall establish and maintain a documented procedure(s) for identifying and recalling products that are unfit to remain in service. 組織的回收過程-組織應建立并維護一(yī)套程序文件以鑒定和回收不适合維修的産品。
7.3 Design and development 設計和開發 7.3.1 Design and development planning 設計和開發策劃 組織應對産品的設計和開發進行策劃和控制。 在進行設計和開發策劃時,組織應确定: a) 設計和開發階段; b) 适于每個設計和開發階段的評審、驗證和确認活動; c) 設計和開發的職責和權限。 組織應對參與設計和開發的不同小(xiǎo)組之間的接口實施管理,以确保有效的溝通,并明确職責分(fēn)工(gōng)。 随設計和開發的進展,在适當時,策劃的輸出予以更新。 7.3.1.C.1 Project Plan – The organization shall establish and maintain a project plan based on the defined product life cycle model. The plan should include: 方案策劃- 組織應依據定義的産品生(shēng)命周期模式建立并維護一(yī)個方案計劃。該計劃應包括: a) project organizational structure, 方案組織結構 b) project roles and responsibilities, 方案角色及職責 c) interfaces with internal and external organizations, 與内部或外(wài)部組織交流 d) means for scheduling, tracking, issue resolution, and reporting, 計劃進度、跟蹤、問題決定及報告的方式 e) budgets, staffing, and schedules associated with project activities, 與方案活動相關的預算、人員、進度 f) method(s), standards, documented procedure(s), and tools to be used, 方法,标準,程序文件以應用工(gōng)具 g) references to related plans (e.g., development, testing, configuration management, and quality), 策劃相關的參考資料(例如:發展,測試,配置管理,及質量) h) project-specific environment and physical resource considerations (e.g., development, user documentation, testing, and operation), 方案詳細考慮的環境及物(wù)質資源(例如:發展,用戶證書,測試及操作) i) customer, user, and supplier involvement during the product life cycle (e.g., joint reviews, informal meetings, and approvals), 産品生(shēng)命周期内顧客,用戶及廠商(shāng)(例如:聯合評審,非正式會議,以及批準) j) management of project quality, 方案質量管理 k) risk management and contingency plans (e.g., technical, cost and schedules), 風險管理及意外(wài)事故策劃(例如:技術,成本以及進度) l) performance, safety, security, and other critical requirements, 執行、保險、安全以及其它緊急需求 m) project-specific training requirements, 方案詳細培訓需求 n) required certifications, 必須的證明, o) proprietary, usage, ownership, warranty, licensing rights, and 所有者,用法,所有權,授權,許可權力,等 p) post-project analysis. [10] 方案定位分(fēn)析. [10] 7.3.1.C.1-NOTE 1: The project plan and any related plans may be an independent document, a part of another document, or comprised of several documents. 注解1:方案策劃或其它相關策劃可以是獨立的文件,也可以是其它文件的一(yī)部分(fēn)或由幾個文件組成。 7.3.1.C.1-NOTE 2: General work instructions defining tasks and responsibilities common to all development projects need not be replicated as part of a project plan. 注解2:總的工(gōng)作指令定義的對于所有的開發方案都有效的任務和職責不必再在方案策劃中(zhōng)重複引用。 7.3.1.C.2 Requirements Traceability – The organization shall establish and maintain a method to trace documented requirements through design and test. [11] 7.3.1.C.2 必要的可追蹤性-組織應建立并維護一(yī)種方法對設計和測試過程的文件進行必要的追蹤。[11] 7.3.1.C.2-NOTE 1: The organization should establish communication methods for dissemination of product requirements and changes to requirements to all impacted parties identified in the project plan. 7.3.1.C.2 注解1:組織應建立一(yī)種聯系方法來貫徹産品的要求并改進各種要求以符合方案策劃的定義。 7.3.1.C.3 Test Planning – Test plans shall be documented and results recorded. Test plans should include: 7.3.1.C.3 檢測策劃-檢測策劃應形成文件并對結果加以記錄。檢測策劃應包括: a) scope of testing (e.g., unit, feature, integration, system, acceptance), 檢測範圍(例如:單位、特性、綜合性能、系統、驗收) b) types of tests to be performed (e.g., functional, boundary, usability, performance, regression, interoperability), 檢測的執行形式(如:功能、範圍、用途、性能、退步、協同工(gōng)作能力) c) traceability to requirements, 必要的可追蹤性 d) test environment (e.g., relevancy to customer environment, operational use), 檢測環境(例如:相關顧客環境,操作效用) e) test coverage (degree to which a test verifies a product’s functions, sometimes expressed as a percent of functions tested), 檢測規模(驗證産品功能的程度,有時表現爲功能測試的百分(fēn)比) f) expected results, 期望結果, g) data definition and database requirements, 數據分(fēn)類及必要的數據庫 h) set of tests, test cases (inputs, outputs, test criteria), and documented test procedure(s), 檢測裝置,檢測實例(輸入,輸出,檢測标準),及檢測程序文件, i) use of external testing, and 外(wài)部檢測方法,等 j) method of reporting and resolving defects. [11] 報告方法及糾正措施. [11] 7.3.1.C.3-NOTE 1: Testing may be covered at several levels. 7.3.1.C.3 注解1:檢測可能覆蓋幾個級别。 7.3.1.S.1 Integration Planning – The organization shall develop and document a plan to integrate the software components into the product to ensure they interact as designed. The plan shall include:
7.3.1.S.1 綜合策劃-組織應建立計劃将軟件的部分(fēn)組裝到産品中(zhōng)以确保其象設計的一(yī)樣相互作用,該計劃要形成文件。該計劃應包括:
a) methods and documented procedure(s), 方法和程序文件
b) responsibilities, 職責
c) schedule for integration, and 綜合進度,等
d) test requirements. [10] 必要的檢測。[10]
7.3.1.S.2 Migration Planning – The organization shall develop and document a migration plan when a system or software product is planned to be migrated from an old to a new environment. The plan should include the following:
7.3.1.S.2 遷移策劃-組織應建立遷移策劃并形成文件,該策劃适用于當一(yī)個系統或軟件産品計劃從舊的環境中(zhōng)遷移到新的環境中(zhōng)。該策劃應包括如下(xià)内容:
a) requirements analysis and definition of migration, 必要的分(fēn)析及遷移定義
b) development of migration tools, 遷移工(gōng)具的建立
c) conversion of product and data, 産品及數據的轉換
d) migration execution, 遷移執行
e) migration verification, and 遷移驗證,等
f) support for the old environment in the future. [10] 将來對舊環境的支持. [10]
7.3.2 Design and development inputs 設計和開發輸入
a) 功能和性能要求;
b) 适用的法律法規要求;
c) 适用時,以前類似設計提供的信息;
d) 設計和開發所必需的其他要求。
7.3.2.C.1 Customer and Supplier Input – The organization shall establish and maintain methods for soliciting and using customer and supplier input during the development of new or revised product requirements. [4]
7.3.2.C.2 Design and Development Requirements – Design and development requirements shall be defined and documented, and should include:
a) quality and reliability requirements, 質量和可靠性要求
b) functions and capabilities of the product, 産品的功能和性能
c) business, organizational, and user requirements, 商(shāng)業、組織或用戶要求
d) safety, environmental, and security requirements, 安全、環境和可靠性要求
e) installability, usability, and maintainability requirements, 安裝性能,使用性能及維護性能要求
f) design constraints, and 設計約束,等
g) testing requirements. [10] 檢測要求. [10]
7.3.2.H.1 Content of Requirements – The product requirements shall include, but are not limited to:
a) nominal values and tolerances, 名稱、價格及公差
b) maintainability needs, and 必須的可維修性等
c) end-item packaging requirements. [5] 最終包裝要求. [5]
7.3.2.S.1 Identification of Software Requirements – The organization shall determine, analyze, and document the software component requirements of the system. [10]
7.3.2.S.1 軟件要求鑒定-組織應确定、分(fēn)析、證明系統軟件組建的要求。
7.3.2.S.2 Requirements Allocation – The organization shall document the allocation of the product requirements to the product architecture. [9]
7.3.2.s.2 要求分(fēn)配-組織應編制文件将産品的要求分(fēn)配到産品結構。[9]
7.3.3 Design and development outputs 設計和開發輸出
a) 滿足設計和開發輸入的要求;
b) 給出采購、生(shēng)産和服務提供适當的信息;
c) 包含或引用産品接收準則;
d) 規定對産品的安全和正常使用所必需的産品特性。
7.3.3.S.1 Software Design and Development Output – Software design and development outputs should include, but are not limited to: 軟件設計和開發輸出-軟件設計和開發輸出應包括(但不限于):
a) system architecture, 體系結構
b) system detailed design, 系統詳細設計
c) source code, and源代碼,和
d) user documentation. [9] 用戶文件〔9〕
7.3.3.V.1 Services Design and Development Output – The required output from the services design and development shall contain a complete and precise statement of the service to be provided. Design and development outputs shall include, but are not limited to:
7.3.3.V.1 服務設計和開發輸出-服務設計和開發的輸出應包含完整的和精确的提供服務的闡述。設計和開發輸出應包括(但不限于):
a) service delivery procedures, 服務傳遞程序
b) resource and skill requirements, 資源和能力要求
c) reliance on suppliers, 對供應商(shāng)的信任
d) service characteristics subject to customer evaluation, and服從于客戶評估的服務特征
e) standards of acceptability for each service characteristic. [13] 每個服務特征可接受性的标準
7.3.4 Design and development review 設計和開發評審
a) 評價設計和開發的結果滿足要求的能力;
b) 識别任何問題并提出必要的措施。
7.3.5 Design and development verification 設計和開發驗證
7.3.6 Design and development validation 設計和開發确認
7.3.6.C-NOTE 1: Organizations should include customer(s) or a third party during various validation stages, as appropriate.
7.3.6.S.1 Release Management – The organization shall establish and maintain a documented
procedure(s) to control the release and delivery of software products and documentation. The
documented procedure(s) should include methods to provide for the following:
7.3.6.S.1 發行管理-組織應建立和維護一(yī)個程序文件去(qù)控制軟件産品和文件的發行和分(fēn)發。這個程序文件應包括下(xià)文提供的方法:
a) release planning information delivered to the customer sufficiently in advance of the release,
b) product introduction and release schedules to the customer,
c) detailed descriptions of product features delivered and changes incorporated in new software
products or releases, and
d) advising the customer of current or planned changes. [11]
7.3.7 Control of design and development changes 設計和開發變化的控制
7.3.7.C.1 Change Management Process – The organization shall establish and maintain a process to ensure that all requirements and design changes, which may arise at any time during the product life cycle, are managed and tracked in a systematic and timely manner and do not adversely affect quality, reliability, and design intent. Management of changes should include:
7.3.7.C.1 變更管理制程-組織應建立和維持一(yī)個制程以确保所有的需求和設計變更(在産品生(shēng)命周期任何時候能出現的)被以一(yī)個系統的和即時的方式管理和追蹤,不影響質量,可靠度和設計目的。變化的管理應包括:
a) impact analysis, 影響分(fēn)析
b) planning, 規劃
c) implementation, 實施
d) testing, 試驗
e) documentation, 文件
f) communication, and 信息
g) review and approval. [5] 評審和批準
7.3.7.C.2 Informing Customers – The organization shall establish and maintain a documented
procedure(s) to ensure that customers are informed when design changes affect contractual
commitments. [5]
7.3.7.C.2 通知(zhī)客戶-組織應建立和維持一(yī)個程序文件以确保當設計變更影響合同承諾時通知(zhī)客戶。〔5〕
7.3.7.HS.1 Problem Resolution Configuration Management – The organization shall establish an interface between problem resolution and configuration management to ensure that fixes to problems are incorporated in future revisions. [11]
7.3.7.HS.1 問題解決配置管理-組織應建立一(yī)個問題解決和配置管理之間的接口,以确保問題整理合并成将來的版本。
7.3.7.H.1 Component Changes – The organization shall have a documented procedure(s) in place to ensure that material or component substitutions or changes do not adversely affect product quality or performance. The documented procedure(s) should include:
7.3.7.H.1 組成成分(fēn)變化-組織應有一(yī)個适當的程序文件去(qù)确保材料或成分(fēn)替代或變化不反過來影響産品質量或性能。這個程序文件包括:
a) functional testing, 功能試驗
b) qualification testing, 資格試驗
c) stress testing, 壓力試驗
d) approved parts listing, and/or 所列被批準的部分(fēn),和/或
e) critical parts listing. 所列關鍵部分(fēn)
7.4 Purchasing 采購
7.4.1 Purchasing process 購買過程
7.4.1.C.1 Purchasing Procedure(s) – The documented purchasing procedure(s) shall include: 購買程序-購買程序文件包括:
a) product requirements definition, 産品需求定義
b) risk analysis and management, 風險分(fēn)析和管理
c) qualification criteria, 資格标準
d) contract definition, 合同定義
e) proprietary, usage, ownership, warranty, and licensing rights are satisfied, 所有權,使用權,保證,和許可權被滿足
f) future support for the product is planned, 對産品未來的支持被計劃
g) ongoing supply-base management and monitoring, 正在進行的基本供應管理和監控
h) supplier selection criteria, 供應商(shāng)選擇标準
i) supplier re-evaluation, and 供應商(shāng)再評估,和
j) feedback to key suppliers based on data analysis of supplier performance. [10] 根據供應商(shāng)績效的數據分(fēn)析反饋給關鍵供應商(shāng)
7.4.1.C.1-NOTE 1: The documented procedure(s) should be applicable to off-the-shelf product. This typically includes original equipment manufacturer (OEM) products used in manufacturing and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products used in software systems.
7.4.1.C.1-注 1:程序文件應适用于現有産品。這特别包括用于制造的原有設備制造商(shāng)(OEM)産品和用于軟件系統的商(shāng)業性現有(COTS)産品。
7.4.2 Purchasing information 采購信息
a) 産品、程序、過程和設備批準的要求;
b) 人員資格的要求;
c) 質量管理體系的要求。
7.4.3 Verification of purchased products 采購産品的驗證
7.5 Production and service provision 産品和服務提供
7.5.1 Control of production and service provision 産品和服務提供的控制
a) 獲得表述産品特性的信息;
b) 獲得作業指導書;
c) 使用适宜的設備;
d) 獲得和使用監視和測量裝置;
e) 實施監視和測量;
f) 放(fàng)行、交付和交付後活動的實施。
7.5.1.C.1 Organization’s Support Program – The organization shall ensure that customers are provided support to resolve product related problems. [5]
7.5.1.C.1 組織的支持計劃-組織應确保向客戶提供解決相關問題産品的支持。〔5〕
7.5.1.C.2 Service Resources – The organization shall provide customer contact employees with
appropriate tools, training, and resources necessary to provide effective and timely customer service. [4]
7.5.1.C.2 服務資源-組織應提供客戶聯系員工(gōng),這些員工(gōng)具有對提供有效的和即時的客戶服務的必要的适當的工(gōng)具,技能和資源。
7.5.1.HS.1 Emergency Service – The organization shall ensure that services and resources are
available to support recovery from emergency failures of product in the field throughout its expected life. [4]
7.5.1.HS.1 緊急服務-組織應确保服務和資源能支持産品從整個期望生(shēng)命中(zhōng)緊急故障恢複。〔4〕
7.5.1.HS.2 Installation Plan – The organization shall establish and maintain a documented installation plan. The installation plan shall identify the resources, the information required, and list the sequence of events. The results associated with the installation sequence shall be documented. [10]
7.5.1.HS.2 安裝計劃-組織應建立和維持一(yī)個文件性的安裝計劃。安裝計劃應鑒别資源,所需信息和列出事情的次序。和安裝次序有關的結果寫在文件中(zhōng)。〔10〕
7.5.1.S.1 Patching Procedure(s) – The organization shall establish and maintain a documented
procedure(s) that guide the decision to solve problems by patching.
a) The documented procedure(s) shall address patch development procedures, propagation (forward and backward), and resolution.
b) The documented procedure(s) shall be consistent with customer needs or contractual requirements for maintenance support.
c) The organization shall provide the customer with a statement of impact on the customer''s operation for each patch. [11]
7.5.1.S.1 修補程序-組織應建立和維持一(yī)個程序文件指導通過修補解決問題的決定
第 7 樓:7
a) 程序文件應寫出修補發展程序,發展(向前和向後),和解決方案 b) 程序文件應和用于維護支持的客戶需求或合同需求一(yī)緻。 c) 組織應提供客戶每個修補對客戶的操作影響的闡述。 7.5.1.S.2 Patch Documentation – The organization shall establish and maintain methods to ensure that all documentation required to describe, test, install, and apply a patch has been verified and delivered with the patch. [11] 7.5.1.S.2 修補文件-組織應建立和維持一(yī)些方法,這些方法确保需要描述、試驗、安裝和使用修補的文件已被修改并分(fēn)發。 7.5.1.S.3 Replication – The organization shall establish and maintain a documented procedure(s) for replication, which should include the following: 複制-組織将建立和維持一(yī)個用于複制的程序文件,應包括如下(xià): a) identification of master copy, 原版的鑒定 b) identification of replicate copies for delivery, 傳遞的副本的鑒定 c) quantity of replicates to deliver, 傳遞副本的數量 d) type of media, 媒體類型 e) labeling, 标簽 f) identification of required documentation such as user guides, 被要求文件如用戶指南(nán)的鑒定 g) packaging of documentation, and文件包裝,和 h) control of environment to ensure repeatable replication. [9] 确保可重複的複制的環境控制 7.5.1.V.1 Software Used in Service Delivery – Organizations shall document and implement processes for the maintenance and control of software used in service delivery to ensure continued process capability and integrity. 7.5.1.V.1 用于服務傳遞的軟件-組織應編制和實施用于軟件控制和維護的過程,這些軟件用在服務傳遞,以确保持續的制程容量和完整性。 7.5.1.V.2 Tool Changes – The organization shall have a documented procedure(s) in place to ensure that substitutions or changes to tools used in performing the service do not adversely affect the quality of the service. 7.5.1.V.2 工(gōng)具變更-組織應适當地有一(yī)個程序文件去(qù)确保用在服務上的工(gōng)具的替代或變更不反過來影響服務的質量。
7.5.2 Validation of processes for production and service provision 産品和服務提供的制程的确認 當生(shēng)産和服務提供過程的輸出不能由後續的監視或測量加以驗證時,組織應對任何這樣的過程實施确認。這包括僅在産品使用或服務已交付之後問題才顯現的過程。 确認應證實這些過程實現所策劃的結果的能力。 組織應規定确認這些過程的安排,适用時包括: a) 爲過程的評審和批準所規定的準則; b) 設備的認可和人員資格的鑒定; c) 使用特定的方法和程序; d) 記錄的要求(見4.2.4); e) 再确認。 7.5.2.HV.1 Operational Changes – Each time a significant change is made in the established operation (e.g., a new operator, new machine, or new technique), a critical examination shall be made of the first unit(s)/service(s) processed after the change. [5] 7.5.2.HV.1 操作變更-每次一(yī)個主要的變更發生(shēng)在已建立的操作(如: 一(yī)個新的操作者,新設備,或新技術),變化之後的第一(yī)個元件/服務需經過嚴格的檢驗。
7.5.3 Identification and traceability 鑒定和可追溯性 适當時,組織應在産品實現的全過程中(zhōng)使用适宜的方法識别産品。 組織應針對監視和測量要求識别産品的狀态。 在有可追溯性要求的場合,組織應控制并記錄産品的唯一(yī)性标識(見4.2.4)。 注:在某些行業,技術狀态管理是保持标識和可追溯性的一(yī)種方法。 7.5.3.HS.1 Product Identification – The organization shall establish and maintain a process for the identification of each product and the level of required control. For each product and its versions, the following shall be identified where they exist: 産品鑒定-組織需建立和維持一(yī)個每個産品的鑒定方法和所需的控制水平。每個産品及其副本,下(xià)面在他們存在處将被鑒定: a) product documentation, 産品文件 b) development or production tools essential to repeat product creation, 對于重述産品創造必要的開發偶爾生(shēng)産的工(gōng)具 c) interfaces to other products, and與其它産品的接口,和 d) software and hardware environment. [9] 軟硬件環境 7.5.3.H.1 Traceability for Recall – Field Replaceable Units (FRU) shall be traceable throughout the product life cycle in a way that helps organizations and their customers to identify products being recalled, needing to be replaced, or&nbs, pmodified. 7.5.3.H.1 用于退還的可追溯性-域可替代的單位(FRU)在産品生(shēng)命周期内應是可追溯的,運用可幫助組織和客戶鑒定退還的,需替換或修複的産品的方法。 7.5.3.H.2 Traceability of Design Changes – The organization shall establish and maintain a documented procedure(s) which provides traceability of design changes to identifiable manufacturing dates, lots, or serial numbers. 7.5.3.H.2 設計變更的可追溯性-組織應建立和維持一(yī)個程序文件,提供設計變更可追溯性,象制造日期,份額或系列号。
7.5.4 Customer property 顧客财産 The organization shall exercise care with customer property while it is under the organization''s control or being used by the organization. The organization shall identify, verify, protect and safeguard customer property provided for use or incorporation into the product. If any customer property is lost, damaged or otherwise found to be unsuitable for use, this shall be reported to the customer and records maintained (see 4.2.4). 組織應愛護在組織控制下(xià)或組織使用的顧客财産。組織應識别、驗證、保護和維護供其使用或構成産品一(yī)部分(fēn)的顧客财産。若顧客财産發生(shēng)丢失、損壞或發現不适用的情況時,應報告顧客,并保持記錄(見4.2.4)。 NOTE Customer property can include intellectual property.注:顧客财産可包括知(zhī)識産權。 7.5.5 Preservation of product 産品防護 在内部處理和交付到預定的地點其間,組織應針對産品的符合性提供防護,這種防護應包括标識、搬運、包裝、貯存和保護。防護也應适用于産品的組成部分(fēn)。 7.5.5.C.1 Anti-Static Protection – Anti-static protection shall be employed, where applicable, for components and products susceptible to electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage. Consider components and products such as: integrated circuits, printed wiring board assemblies, magnetic tapes and/or disks, and other media used for software or data storage. [5] 7.5.5.C.1 反靜态保護-反靜态保護适用于易受靜電釋放(fàng)(ESD)的影響的成分(fēn)和産品。這些成分(fēn)和産品如:集成電路,印刷線路集成闆,磁帶和/或磁盤和其它的用于軟件和數據儲存的媒體。〔5〕 7.5.5.HS.1 Packaging and Labeling Audit – The organization shall include a packaging and labeling audit in the quality plan or documented procedure(s). This may include, for example, marking, labeling, kitting, documentation, customer-specific marking, and correct quantities. 7.5.5.HS.1 包裝和标簽審核-組織應在質量計劃或程序文件中(zhōng)包括包裝和标簽。可包括,如:标記,标簽,用具,文件,客戶要求的标記和正确的數量。 7.5.5.HS.1-NOTE 1: This audit is normally done on products ready to ship. 7.5.5.HS.1-注 1:審核一(yī)般對準備發貨的産品進行。 7.5.5.H.1 Deterioration – Where the possibility of deterioration exists, materials in storage shall be controlled (e.g., date stamped/coded) and materials with expired dates shall be deemed non-conforming. [5] 7.5.5.HS.1 變化-存在變化的可能性的地方,存的料要嚴格控制(如:印字/編碼的日期),到期的材料被認爲是不合格的。〔5〕 7.5.5.S.1 Software Virus Protection – The organization shall establish and maintain methods for software virus prevention, detection, and removal from the deliverable product. [9] 7.5.5.S.1 軟件病毒保護-組織應建立和維持可傳軟件病毒防護,檢查和排除的。〔9〕
7.6 Control of monitoring and measuring devices 監控和測量設備的控制
a) 對照能溯源到國際或國家标準的測量标準,按照規定的時間間隔或在使用前進行校準或檢定。當不存在上述标準時,應記錄校準或檢定的依據;
b) 必要時進行調整或再調整;
c) 得到識别,以确定其校準狀态;
d) 防止可能使測量結果失效的調整;
e) 在搬運、維護和貯存期間防止損壞或失效;
7.6.H.1 Identified Equipment – Monitoring and measuring devices that are either inactive or unsuitable for use shall be visibly identified and not used. All monitoring and measuring devices that do not require calibration shall be identified. [5]
7.6.H.1 鑒别的設備-不動的或不适用的監控和測量設備明顯标識和不被使用。所有不要求校準的監控和測量設備都明顯标識。
Section 8 Measurement, analysis and improvement 第8部分(fēn) 測量,分(fēn)析和改進
8.1 General 總則
a) 證實産品的符合性;
b) 确保質量管理體系的符合性;
c) 持續改進質量管理體系的有效性。
8.2 Monitoring and measurement 監控和衡量
8.2.1 Customer satisfaction 客戶滿意度
8.2.1.C.1 Customer Satisfaction Data – The organization shall establish and maintain a method to collect data directly from customers concerning their satisfaction with provided products. The
organization shall also collect customer data on how well the organization meets commitments and its responsiveness to customer feedback and needs. This data shall be collected and analyzed. Trends of the data shall be kept. [4]
8.2.1.C.1 客戶滿意度數據-組織應建立和維持一(yī)種收集直接來自客戶關于他們對所提供産品的滿意程度的數據的方法。組織也應從客戶處收集組織滿足承諾和對客戶反饋和要求的反應的情況。這些數據應被彙集和分(fēn)析。數據的趨勢圖應畫出。
8.2.2 Internal audit 内審
a) 符合策劃的安排(見7.1)、本标準的要求以及組織所确定的質量管理體系的要求;
b) 得到有效實施與保持。
8.2.3 Monitoring and measurement of processes 過程的監控和測量
8.2.3.C.1 Process Measurement – Process measurements shall be developed, documented, and monitored at appropriate points to ensure continued suitability and promote increased effectiveness of processes. [9]
8.2.3.C.1 過程測量-應在适當點(工(gōng)序)進行過程監視與測量(并保持記錄),以确保(過程的)持續的适宜性和提升過程有效性。
8.2.4 Monitoring and measurement of product産品的監控和測量
8.2.4.HV.1 Inspection and Test Documentation – Each inspection or testing activity shall have detailed documentation. Details should include the following: 檢驗和試驗文件-每次檢驗和試驗活動将有詳細的文件。具體如下(xià):
a) parameters to be checked with acceptable tolerances, 用可接受的公差檢測的參數
b) the use of statistical techniques, control charts, etc., 統計技術,控制圖等的運用
c) sampling plan, including frequency, sample size, and acceptance criteria, 抽樣計劃,包括頻率,抽樣尺寸和接受标準
d) handling of nonconformances, 不合格品的處理
e) data to be recorded, 要記錄的數據
f) defect classification scheme, 缺陷分(fēn)類方法
g) method for designating an inspection item or lot, and 指定一(yī)個或許多檢驗項的方法
h) electrical, functional, and feature testing. [5] 電氣,功能性和特征試驗
8.2.4.HV.2 Inspection and Test Records – Inspection and test records shall include: 檢驗和試驗記錄-檢驗和試驗記錄包括:
a) product identification, 産品鑒定
b) quantity of product inspected, 檢驗産品的數量
c) documented inspection procedure(s) followed, 緊接的文件性的檢驗程序
d) person performing the test and inspection, 進行檢驗和試驗的人
e) date of inspection and/or test, and 檢驗和/或試驗的日期
f) number, type, and severity of defects found. [5] 發現缺陷的數量,類型和嚴重性
8.2.4.H.1 Periodic Retesting – The organization shall establish and maintain a documented
procedure(s) that ensures products are periodically retested to assess the product''s ability to continue to meet design requirements. [5]
8.2.4.H.1 定期再試驗-組織應建立和維持一(yī)個文件性的程序确保産品定期再檢去(qù)評估産品持續滿足設計需求的能力。〔5〕
8.2.4.H.2 Content of Testing – The initial test and periodic retest shall be more extensive than the routine quality tests. The initial test shall include those that are contained in the customer’s and/or organization’s product specifications and/or contracts. The results of these tests shall be documented. [5]
8.2.4.H.2 試驗内容-初始試驗和定期再試驗将比例行的質量試驗更廣泛。初始試驗包括納入客戶和/或組織的産品規範書和/或合同。這些試驗的結果将成文。
8.2.4.H.2-NOTE 1: Product specifications may include environmental, vibration, flammability, and
operational stress type testing.
第 9 樓:9
8.2.4.H.3 Frequency of Testing – The organization shall establish and document the frequency for test and periodic retest. When determining the test frequency, the organization shall include the following: 試驗頻率-組織應該建立和編制試驗及定期再試驗的頻率文件。确定試驗頻率時,組織可考慮如下(xià): a) product complexity and service criticality, 産品複雜性和服務的危險程度 b) number of design, engineering and/or manufacturing changes made to the product and whether the change(s) affect form, fit, and/or function, 産品設計,生(shēng)産和/或制造變更的數量,且無論變更是否影響結構,合格性和/或功能。 c) changes to the manufacturing process, 制造過程的改變 d) manufacturing variations, (e.g., tooling wear), 制造誤差(如:加工(gōng)磨損) e) material and/or component substitutions and failure rates, and 材料和/或成分(fēn)替代及不合格率,和 f) the field performance record of the product. [5] 産品的域性能記錄〔5〕 8.2.4.H.4 Testing of Repair and Return Products – Repair and return products shall be subjected to the appropriate evaluation(s) and/or test(s) to ensure functionality to product specification. [5] 8.2.4.H.4 返修和返工(gōng)産品的試驗-返修和返工(gōng)應接受适當的評估和/或試驗以确保産品規格的功能。 8.2.4.S.1 Test Documentation – Software tests shall be conducted according to a documented procedure(s) and the test plan. Documentation of testing shall include: 試驗文件-軟件試驗将按照文件性的程序和試驗計劃進行。試驗文件包括: a) test results, 試驗結果 b) analysis of test results, 試驗結果的分(fēn)析 c) conformance to expected results, and 與期望結果的一(yī)緻性,和 d) problem reporting for nonconforming items. [11] 不合格項報告的問題
8.3 Control of nonconforming product 不合格産品的控制 組織應确保不符合産品要求的産品得到識别和控制,以防止其非預期的使用或交付。不合格品控制以及不合格品處置的有關職責和權限應在形成文件的程序中(zhōng)作出規定。 組織應通過下(xià)列一(yī)種或幾種途徑,處置不合格品。 a) 采取措施,消除發現的不合格; b) 經有關授權人員批準,适用時經顧客批準,讓步使用、放(fàng)行或接收不合格品; c) 采取措施,防止其原預期的使用或應用。 應保持不合格的性質以及随後所采取的任何措施的記錄,包括所批準的讓步的記錄(見4.2.4)。 應對糾正後的産品再次進行驗證,以證實符合要求。 當在交付或開始使用後發現産品不合格時,組織應采取與不合格的影響或潛在影響的程度相适應的措施。 8.4 Analysis of data 數據分(fēn)析 組織應确定、收集和分(fēn)析适當的數據,以證實質量管理體系的适宜性和有效性,并評價在何處可以持續改進質量管理體系的有效性。這應包括來自監視和測量的結果以及其他有關來源的數據。 數據分(fēn)析應提供有關以下(xià)方面的信息: a) 顧客滿意(見8.2.1); b) 與産品要求的符合性(見7.2.1); c) 過程和産品的特性趨勢,包括采取預防措施的機會; d) 供方。 8.4.C.1 Trend Analysis of Nonconforming Product – Trend analysis of discrepancies found in nonconforming product shall be performed on a defined, regular basis and results utilized as input for corrective and preventive action. 8.4.C.1 不合格産品的趨勢分(fēn)析-在不合格産品中(zhōng)發現的差異的趨勢分(fēn)析應根據定義的、規則的根據及用于糾正和預防措施輸入的結果執行。 8.4.H.1 Field Performance Data – The quality management system shall include the collection and analysis of field performance data which can be used to help identify the cause and frequency of equipment failure. In addition, no trouble found (NTF) data shall also be maintained. This information shall be provided to the appropriate organizations to foster continual improvement. , [5] 8.4.H.1 域性能數據-質量管理體系包括能用于幫助鑒别設備故障的起因和頻率的域性能數據的收集和分(fēn)析。另外(wài),發現無錯(NTF)的數據也要保留。這些信息用于适當的組織進行持續改善。 8.4.V.1 Service Performance Data – The quality management system shall include the collection and analysis of service performance data, which can be used to identify the cause and frequency of service failure. This information shall be provided to the appropriate organizations to foster continual improvement of the service. [5] 8.4.V.1 服務性能數據-質量管理體系包括能用于幫助鑒别服務漏洞的起因和頻率的服務性能數據的收集和分(fēn)析。這些信息用于适當的組織進行服務的持續改善。〔5〕
8.5 Improvement 改進 8.5.1 Continual improvement 持續改進 組織應利用質量方針、質量目标、審核結果、數據分(fēn)析、糾正和預防措施以及管理評審,持續改進質量管理體系的有效性。 8.5.1.C.1 Quality Improvement Program – The organization shall establish and maintain a documented Quality Improvement Program to improve: 8.5.1.C.1 質量改進計劃-組織應該建立和維持一(yī)個資料性的質量改善計劃去(qù)改善: a) customer satisfaction, 客戶滿意度 b) quality and reliability of the product, and 産品質量和可靠度 c) other processes/products/services used within the organization. [5] 用于組織内部的其它的制程/産品/服務〔5〕 8.5.1.C-NOTE 2: Inputs to the continual improvement process may include lessons learned from past experience, lessons learned from previous projects, analysis of measurements and post-project reviews, and comparisons with industry best practices. 8.5.1.C-注2: 持續改善過程的輸入可包括從過去(qù)經驗及以前的工(gōng)程中(zhōng)所學得的教訓,衡量和工(gōng)程後檢讨的分(fēn)析,以及與最好的工(gōng)業實踐的對照。 8.5.1.C.2 Employee Participation – The organization shall implement methods for encouraging employee participation in the continual improvement process. [4] 8.5.1.C.2 員工(gōng)參與-組織将采取措施鼓勵員工(gōng)參與持續改善過程。〔4〕
8.5.2 Corrective action 糾正措施 組織應采取措施,以消除不合格的原因,防止不合格的再發生(shēng)。糾正措施應與所遇到的不合格的影響程度相适應。 應編制形成文件的程序,以規定以下(xià)方面的要求: a) 評審不合格(包括顧客投訴); b) 确定不合格的原因; c) 評價确保不合格不再發生(shēng)的措施的需求; d) 确定和實施所需的措施; e) 記錄所采取措施的結果(見4.2.4); f) 評審所采取的糾正措施。 8.5.2.C-NOTE 1: Undesirable deviations from plans and objectives are considered nonconformances. 8.5.2.C-注1:不合需要的偏離計劃和目标被認爲是不合格的。 8.5.2.C-NOTE 2: Review of corrective action is intended to ensure that the action taken was effective. 8.5.2.C-注2:糾正措施的讨論傾向于确保所采取措施的有效性。 Review activities may include ensuring that root cause was properly identified and addressed, appropriate containment action was taken, and corrective actions have not introduced additional problems. 讨論活動可包括确保根本原因被正确地确定,适當的對策被采取,并且糾正措施也沒有引入附加的問題。 8.5.2.C-NOTE 3: Consideration should be given to include training as part of implementing corrective and preventive actions. 8.5.2.C-注3:應考慮将培訓作爲實施糾正和預防措施的部分(fēn)。 8.5.2.S.1 Problem Resolution – The organization shall establish and maintain a documented procedure(s) to initiate corrective action once a reported trouble is diagnosed as a problem. The documented procedure(s) should provide guidelines for distinguishing among potential solutions such as: 8.5.2.S.1 問題決議-一(yī)旦一(yī)個被報告的故障被診斷爲一(yī)個問題時,組織應建立和維持一(yī)個資料性的程序去(qù)促進糾正措施。資料性的程序文件應該提供區别如下(xià)潛在解決方案的準則。 a) patching, 修補程序 b) immediate source code corrections, 即時的源代碼的糾正 c) deferring solutions to a planned release, and 延遲計劃版本的解決方法 d) providing documented “work-around” operational procedure(s) and resolution within a designated timeframe based on the severity of the issue. [11] 依發行的嚴重性提供資料性的工(gōng)作程序及在指定期限内的解決方案。〔11〕 8.5.3 Preventive action 預防措施 組織應确定措施,以消除潛在不合格的原因,防止不合格的發生(shēng)。預防措施應與潛在問題的影響程度相适應。 應編制形成文件的程序,以規定以下(xià)方面的要求: a) 确定潛在不合格及其原因; b) 評價防止不合格發生(shēng)的措施的需求; c) 确定并實施所需的措施; d) 記錄所采取措施的結果(見4.2.4); e) 評審所采取的預防措施 |