序号 | 國家環保總局技術要求編号 | 中(zhōng)文名稱 | 英文名稱 | 國際統一(yī)分(fēn)類編号 |
1 | HJBZ 1-2000 | 家用制冷器具 | Household Refrigerators | 1701 |
2 | HJBZ 3-1994 | 無鉛車用汽油 | Lead-Free Gasoline for Vehicles | 2704 |
| 3 | HJBZ 5-2000 | 再生(shēng)紙制品 | Products Made from Recycled Paper | 2305 |
4 | HJBZ 7-1994 | 無汞镉鉛充電電池 | Hg-Cd-Pb Free Rechargeable Battery | 1100 |
5 | HJBZ 8-1999 | 洗滌劑 | Detergents | 1301 |
6 | HJBZ 9-1995 | 無汞幹電池 | Hg-free Dry Cells & Batteries | 1100 |
7 | HJBZ 11-1996 | 防蟲蛀毛紡織品 | Moth Resistant Woolens | 1400 |
8 | HJBZ 12-2000 | 包裝制品 | Packaging Materials | 2200 |
9 | HJBZ 13-1996 | 軟飲料類 | Soft Drinks | 4000 |
10 | HJBZ 15.1-1997 | 節能熒光燈 | Energy-saving Fluorescent Lamps | 1900 |
11 | HJBZ 15.2-1997 | 節能低汞雙端熒光燈管 | Energy-saving Low-mercury Double-capped Fluorescent Lamps |
12 | HJBZ 15.3-1997 | 節能電子鎮流器 | Energy-saving Electronic Ballasts |
13 | HJBZ 16-1996 | 兒童玩具 | Toys for Children | 4000 |
14 | HJBZ 17-1997 | 低噪聲洗衣機 | Low-noise Washing machines | 1703 |
15 | HJBZ 18-2000 | 節能、低噪聲房間空調 | Energy-saving Low-noise Room Air Conditioners | 1702 |
16 | HJBZ 19-1997 | 節能、低排放(fàng)燃氣竈具 | Energy–Saving and Low – Discharge Gas Ranges | 1707 |
17 | HJBZ 20-1997 | 衛生(shēng)殺蟲氣霧劑 | Aerosol | 1603 |
18 | HJBZ 21-1998 | 低鉛陶瓷制品 | Ceramic Tableware | 4000 |
| HJBZ 22-1998 | 無氟氯化碳工(gōng)商(shāng)用制冷設備 | CFCs-Free Refrigerating Equipment for Industry and Commerce | 1701 |
20 | HJBZ 24-1998 | 家用微波爐 | Household Microwave Ovens | 1707 |
21 | HJBZ 25-1998 | 無石棉建築制品 | Asbestos Free Building Materials | 1500 |
22 | HJBZ 27-1998 | 替代鹵代烷滅火(huǒ)器 | Halon-free Fire-extinguishers | 4000 |
23 | HBC 18-2003 | 粘合劑 | Adhesives | 1507 |
24 | HJBZ 29-1998 | 磷石膏建材産品 | Phosphorus Gypsum Building Materials | 1500 |
25 | HJBZ 30-2000 | 生(shēng)态紡織品 | Ecotypic Textile | 1400 |
26 | HJBZ 31-1998 | 非鋁制壓力炊具 | Non-aluminum Pressure Cooker | 1707 |
27 | HJBZ 32-1999 | 安全型防蟲蛀劑 | Safe Mothproof Agent | 2401 |
28 | HJBZ 33-1999 | 低輻射彩電 | Low Radiant Color TV | 1707 |
29 | HJBZ 36-1999 | 磁電式防垢水處理器 | Magnetic Electric Antiscale Hydrotreater | 1200 |
30 | HBC 17-2003 | 人造闆及其制品 | Wood Based Panels and Finishing Products | 1500 |
31 | HJBZ 38-1999 | 低污染型摩托車 | Low Pollution Motorcycle | 2700 |
32 | HJBZ 39-1999 | 建築用塑料管材 | Plastic Water & sewage Pipe | 1507 |
33 | HJBZ 40-2000 | 靜電複印機 | Copier | 2000 |
34 | HJBZ 41-2000 | 消耗臭氧層物(wù)質(ODS)替代品 | ODS Substitute | 4000 |
35 | HJBZ 42-2000 | 無CFCs泡沫塑料 | CFCs-free Foamed Plastics | 2200 |
36 | HJBZ 43-2000 | 氣霧劑 | Aerosol Products | 4000 |
37 | HJBZ 44-2000 | 再生(shēng)塑料制品 | Products Made from Recycled Plastics | 2900 |
38 | HBC 1-2001 | 一(yī)次性餐飲具 | Disposable Food & Drink Container | 2200、2303 |
39 | HBC 7-2001 | 包裝用纖維幹燥劑 | Fibrous Desiccants for Packaging | 4000 |
40 | HBC 8-2001 | 低污染型輕型汽車 | Low Pollution Light Weight Vehicles | 2700 |
| 41 | HBC 9-2001 | 飛碟靶 | Clay Pigeons | 4000 |
42 | HBC 10-2001 | 光動能手表 | Solar-powered Watch & Clock | 2600 |
43 | HBC 11-2002 | 無煙盤式蚊香 | Smokeless Convolve Mosquito-repellent Incense | 2401 |
44 | HBC 12-2002 | 水性塗料 | Water Based Coatings | 1800 |
45 | HBC 13-2002 | 金屬焊割氣 | Metal Welding & Cutting Gas |
46 | HBC 14-2002 | 塑料門窗 | Energy-saving Doors & Windows |
47 | HBC 15-2002 | 微型計算機、顯示器 | Microcomputers and Displays |
48 | HBC 16-2003 | 衛生(shēng)陶瓷 | Sanitary Ceramics |
50 | HBC 19-2003 | 輕質牆體闆材 | Light Panels |
51 | HBC 20-2003 | 建築砌塊 | Blocks for Architecture |
52 | HBC 21-2003 | 幹式電力變壓器 | Dry-type Power Transformers |